Cat Articles
When it comes to caring for your cat, you need to get your information from an expert. To see what Purina’s experts have to say about cat nutrition, behavior, development, training and more, explore all our articles below.

How Much Wet Food Should You Feed a Cat?
The Purina cat care experts know a thing or two about wet food. Learn some helpful guidelines for when, how often, and how much wet cat food to serve your feline friend.

Why Cats Scratch, Dig & Play in Their Litter Box
Itching to understand your cat's litter-scratching behavior? Learn about cat behavior and what may be causing your cat's excessive playing in their litter boxes.

Cat Litter Box & Pregnancy
What are the concerns with litter box and pregnancy? Is it safe to change cat litter during pregnancy? What is toxoplasmosis? Learn more about litter safety!

Why is My Cat Laying in the Litter Box?
Sleeping and laying in the litter box may signify medical issues. Learn more about this cat behavior, how to correct it and when to reach out to your veterinarian.

Understanding Cat Asthma, Including the Best Cat Litter for Cats with Asthma
Do cats get asthma? If you’ve noticed your cat coughing or wheezing, cat asthma may be the cause. Get the basics here, including veterinarian recommendations on litter for cats with asthma.

How to Support Your Cat's Microbiome & Gut Health
Learn how to support your cat's microbiome & gut health, ensuring they have the right mix of good and bad bacteria that drive digestion and support a healthy immune system.

Kitten Vaccinations: What Shots Your Kitten Needs
Cats need vaccinations from their veterinarian, starting around 6 to 8 weeks of age. Learn about what vaccinations your kitten will need to protect from common diseases.

Why is My Cat Meowing a Lot?
Is your cat meowing loudly, sometimes late at night? Learn how to tell if this behavior is a sign of a condition or if this is just normal behavior for your cat.

New Kitten Checklist: What Does a Kitten Need?
Beds, toys, litter boxes, grooming tools, food & other supplies are needed when bringing a kitten home. Read about the checklist of items your new kitten needs here.

Why Do Cats Eat Grass?
One reason cats eat grass is because it contains a nutrient that helps blood flow. Learn how eating grass affects cat well-being, and when to call your veterinarian.

Why Do Cats Purr?
Why do cats purr when you stroke them and how do they do it? Sometimes it’s their way of communicating or showing affection. Find out what it means when your cat purrs.

7 Tips on How to Feed a Cat
Whether you need to know where to put your cat’s food bowl or want to know how often to feed her, our experts have you covered. Make mealtime more enjoyable for you and your cat with these tips on how often to feed a cat.

What Are Raw Diets for Cats & Are They Safe?
Wild cats live on raw meat from their prey, so are raw food diets for cats safe? Although domestic cats can eat raw meat, that may not provide all the nutrients they need. Learn more about raw diets for cats here.