At Purina, every day is Take Your Dog to Work Day. But for one special day every June, we get to pull out all the stops and throw the most epic pet party we can. This year, we wanted to raise the bar even higher.
A Record Setting Day
On June 24 Purina partnered with five other pet-friendly companies that share the same belief that pets and people are better together, including in the workplace. Together, associates at these six companies brought 691 pets to work to break the world record for Most Pets in the Workplace in One Day with RecordSetter.com. Purina first set this record in 2015 when associates brought 281 pets to work on one day.
Why Did We Do It?
While bringing together our furry friends is plenty of motivation, we had a larger purpose in mind: to encourage other companies to join us in the Pets at Work movement. According to Purina veterinarian Dr. Kurt Venator, people should bring pets to work “so they can experience the benefits, including exercise from a dog walk during lunch break or having a calming companion nearby during stressful times.”
We Want More Workplaces to Celebrate with Us
Dr. Venator understands “it won't work for every company and every pet owner, but we encourage other companies to try it and see for themselves how bringing pets to work can be a real benefit—for pets and their owners."
The Work Isn’t Done Yet
We’re proud of our accomplishment, but we hope others out there are planning to challenge our record next summer when Take Your Dog to Work Day rolls around. We welcome any challenge that gets more pets out of the home and into the workplace!
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