Cat Articles
When it comes to caring for your cat, you need to get your information from an expert. To see what Purina’s experts have to say about cat nutrition, behavior, development, training and more, explore all our articles below.

How Much Wet Food Should You Feed a Cat?
The Purina cat care experts know a thing or two about wet food. Learn some helpful guidelines for when, how often, and how much wet cat food to serve your feline friend.

Pancreatitis in Cats: Symptoms, Treatment & Diet
Pancreatitis in cats is caused by inflammation in the pancreas. Learn more about how pancreatitis affects your pet, symptoms to watch for and treatment options.

Hypertension & High Blood Pressure in Cats
You thought you were the only one in the family with high blood pressure? Cats can suffer from hypertension, too, even though they often show no obvious clinical signs.

Cat Dental Care for Healthy Teeth
Proper cat dental care can help prevent disease. Learn helpful tips to keep your cat's teeth healthy through oral care, check-ups and tooth-friendly cat food.

How to Help Cats Maintain a Healthy Weight
Discover the science behind our two healthy weight formulas for cats.

How to Read Cat Food Labels
Your cat’s food label is full of information, including a list of sometimes hard-to-pronounce ingredients. This makes understanding what it all means difficult. With our expert’s help, though, you’ll learn how to read cat food labels like a pro.

What to Know Before Getting a Cat
Getting a new kitten or cat? Learn about what you should consider before getting a cat, what supplies you will need to buy, and the basic care your cat requires.

Where Should I Put My Cat's Food Dish?
Cats evolved to eat in the wild-- take this into account when choosing her dish placement.

Is My Cat a Picky Eater?
Learn how to help your cat maintain a consistent and steady approach to eating.

Current Cat Food Trends
Learn what trends are beneficial for your cat, and which are not so hot.

Understanding Cat Obesity
Obesity is an epidemic in the U.S., even for cats. Discover what may contribute to your cat being overweight and how you can help improve your cat’s health.

Should I Use a Cat Feeding Toy?
Different types of feeding toys can engage your cat's curiosity and make mealtime fun.

What is a Therapy Cat & What Do They Do?
Cats in therapy sessions can help patients with depression, Alzheimer's and other conditions. Learn about therapy cats and their role in animal-assisted therapy sessions.